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Principal's Message

Dear Lichen Families,

Welcome back, Lichen Bears! We have missed our students and families over the summer and are excited to start what is sure to be an exciting new school year. There are so many reasons “it's a great time to be a Lichen Bear” and this has never been more true. We continue to build on the wonderful initiatives we began last year, including:

  • Growing our family volunteer opportunities in the classroom and around campus

  • Increasing the arts on campus with a full time music teacher and more performance opportunities

  • Increasing our focus on academic standards and instruction that both strengthen and accelerate learning

  • Fostering even more family engagement with our PTA and ELAC communities

  • Creating more robust opportunities and electives for our 7th and 8th graders in alignment with Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways in the San Juan Unified School District 

  • Securing our campus with additional safety measures including new security fencing and video surveillance

  • Adding more inclusive opportunities for education with the addition of our K-2 Special Day Class

We are poised to make this school year the best one yet and we can’t wait to see what we can do together as a community dedicated to providing the best education, enrichment, and support possible for our students. They deserve nothing less. 

Your Principal,

Mrs. Stellmacher