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Parent Resources


If your child is absent for any reason, you must call each day to clear the absence. The Lichen School attendance line is: 979-8440

If you do not have or cannot get to a phone, your child must have a note from you clearing his/her absence on the day he/she returns to school.

If your child is absent for a medical appointment, a doctor's excuse note must be brought in to the office when the child returns.

If your child must be out of school for vacation, family emergencies or personal business, notify the office at least 4 or 5 days in advance and set up an Independent Study Contract. If you agree to do an Independent Study, the completed work must be turned in to the teacher the day your child returns to school or they will not be given credit for that time and it is up to the teacher and principal if your child be issued another Independent Study in the future.

The Child Welfare & Attendance Office (at 916-979-8604) will be monitoring your child's attendance and issuing letters if absences meet the criteria listed below:

Absence letter for excused absences (sick days or medical appointments)

5 absences- Letter #1 making parents aware that a Doctor slip is needed to clear the absence.

10 absences- Letter #2 sent if no doctors slips are received by office. (After 10 sick days will be marked as un-excused days)

Truancy Letters for excessive un-excused absences/ truancies

3 absences- Letter #1
5 absences- Letter #2
6 absences- Letter #3

Referral to SARB (Students Attendance Review Board)

Mental Health 

The following self referral form can be filled out by the student or their adult to access mental health services at school.  referral form